Public Libraries Engage Families in STEM
In this policy brief, we examine and provide examples of the ways that public libraries have become invaluable partners in supporting family STEM learning.
Although emerging research points to the strong influence of families on children’s growth and development, a focus on joint parent and child STEM learning is still nascent.
This brief examines how public libraries, with federal and state support, are creating STEM learning that brings together children and families across the K–12 years. Itbuilds on Global Family Research Project’s previous policy report, Leading Family Engagement in Early Learning: The Role of State Library Administrative Agencies.
Download the brief to learn more about our recommendations for how federal and state policymakers can improve family-focused pathways to STEM learning in the library setting and beyond. You can also check out the highlight video for this brief.
Public Libraries Engage Families in STEM
M. Elena Lopez, Linda Jacobson, Margaret Caspe, Rachel Hanebutt
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